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(The price of the training is for 2 people, so if you sign up alone the cost doesn't change, but feel free to invite a friend for a buy one get one free or split the cost amongst yourselves).
Many prospective students don’t sign up for our clinics because they think we’ll force them to fall. This is not our approach. In fact, it’s the opposite. You’re in charge. We engage you in falling practice in small, manageable steps and guide you in taking them, when you want to take them.
This training addresses the two directions that happen when you’re engaged in taking risks in climbing:
Falling (down): You learn how to overcome a fear of falling by learning falling as a skill. We’ll teach you exactly how to do it so you have fun practicing. You’ll know how to progress in your practice and exactly how to do it.
Commitment (up): You learn how to “struggle well” by valuing the challenge. You’ll learn how to stay focused while engaged in difficult climbing and how to manage your energy so you can stay committed.
Additionally, you’ll learn:
A simple structure for mental training: Mental training doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it needs to be simple, tangible, and practical. You’ll learn a simple stop/move structure, 5 processes (no more / no less), and exactly what to focus on to do each process well.
Shift in motivation: I’m certain that you want to improve, progress, and achieve your goals. Achieving your goals, though, requires a shift in your motivation. Achievement motivation is important, but it’s only part of what should motivate you. You also need learning-based motivation. This type of motivation helps you when you’re in stressful climbing so you can maximize learning and stay focused. And enjoy it.
We teach you to become warriors in how you approach challenging situations. This doesn’t mean we force you to fall to toughen you up. It actually means the opposite. We engage you in small increments of stress so you willingly, of your own volition, engage in these situations. We’re just there to guide you in doing that.
The structure of the clinic*
Opening: After introductions, we ask you what your goal is for attending the clinic–your expectations. Then we check in as we progress through the clinic to emphasize what you’re learning that will move you toward that goal.
The clinic is split into two parts:
Practice drills: these include falling and commitment drills to practice specific skills.
Application drills: these apply what you learned in the practice drills to actual climbs.
Falling: We begin with incremental falling practice. You’ll do toprope falls, lead falls, and in some situations (based on your amount of falling experience) advanced falls.
We’ll take a break (15-30 minutes) after the falling block. We’ll check in on goals just prior to beginning the Commitment block. (have snacks, water, etc)
Commitment: Next we take you through the commitment processes. These include resting, thinking, decision-making, and moving. You’ll receive a “reminder laminated card” that includes a summary of the thinking and decision-making processes. You’ll also do drills on the wall for resting and movement.
We’ll take a break (15 minutes) after the commitment block. We’ll check in on goals just prior to beginning the Application block.
Application: Up to this point you’ve learned specific skills and practiced them. Now a shift occurs as you apply them to actual climbs. The goal and the intention are different. The goal is to send the climb. The intention is to apply the stop/move structure and processes you learned. Typically we do 2 application climbs, starting with something below your limit and then incrementing to your limit.
Closing: We check in with students to see what they learned, the progress they’ve made on their goal (or how their goal has changed), and suggestions for continued practice. This will include continuing training we offer, like personalized coaching and being part of our community forum. We can also answer additional questions you may have. You’ll also fill out a debrief form to let us know how to improve the clinic. We’re always interested in making this instruction better.
*This structure varies a bit from trainer to trainer. What is shared here gives you the general structure of the clinic. Sometimes it needs to be modified based on terrain, teaching needs, and student needs.
Here are some specifics of what you’ll learn:
Falling as a skill
Giving a dynamic (cushioned) belay
Breaking a climb into smaller risk events
Assessing risks effectively
Distinguishing between no- and yes-fall zones
Engaging no- and yes-fall zones appropriately
Making appropriate risk decisions
Improving body and mind awareness
Resting efficiently
Improving breathing
Creating flow and momentum
Dealing with climbing stress
Committing more deliberately
Reducing fear
Able to toprope 5.9 without falling or hanging on the rope
Know the basics of climbing, belaying, and rope management.
For outdoor trad camps, you’ll need to know the basics of placing trad gear and trad technique, like jamming. We don’t teach these skills. That allows us to focus on the mental aspects exclusively.
Climb indoors/outdoors at least 1-2 times per week so you have enough fitness.
Climbed at least 6 months continuously before the clinic.
You can benefit from this course even if you only toprope.
Don’t do falling practice unless you do it as outlined in the Espresso Lessons book. You’ll do it wrong and will either injure or traumatize yourself.
Espresso Lessons addresses The Warrior’s Way® material from a practical perspective, which is the approach we take in the clinic. The book includes practical philosophy and exercises.
Purchase the Falling & Commitment Online Course to begin getting familiar with the material. It will also be a very helpful resource for continuing your practice after the clinic.
Sign the hosting guide service’s online waiver before the clinic.
Bring the usual climbing equipment plus rope and draws (if you have these). A helmet is also required.
Warrior's Way Trainer, Jeff Hearn will be your guide for this private training session. He's been working with Arno Ilgner, Warrior's Way founder, for over 10 years and he has more than two decades of climbing experience to share with you.
Please check out the Warrior's Way website for more in-depth details and FAQ
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